Frozen Anna Tooth Care
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Frozen anna tooth care is an online girl game at GirlUs.Com. You can play frozen anna tooth care in your browser for free. Elsa is very fond of cookies. Yesterday, she went to the park with the family. She ate delicious cookies. This morning the mom of Anna heard a kind of howling. Later, she came to know that that cacophony came from Anna who suffers from severe toothache. She has came to your hospital. The girl is of doctors. She has come to you which would mean that she trusts you. First of all clean the mouth by sprinkling water on the teeth. Using the instruments clean the tooth. Pull the teeth out if they are decayed. Treat the girl gently. Replace the decayed teeth with the good ones. The parents of the girl are too much worried about their daughter. Give a piece advice to the girl like how to protect her tooth from cavity. Thank you so much for treating the girl with love and care. The girl and the parents of the girl are very thankful to you.
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